  • December 22, 2023

Importance of social media

In today’s world of 24/7 news coverage on social media, political brand building has become more important than ever. At first, the impact of social media was almost only on youth. In the span of a decade, social media has become an official information-sharing platform. Consequently, the importance of social media is also being recognised by the political parties. Now social media is considered an effective form of political marketing. As the plethora of voter data available on the web and on social media. On social media information flows quickly and publicly. Messages have become more “peer-to-peer” as political campaigns refine their advertisements to constituent behaviour.

Politics and social media

For the political campaigns, social media was the missing link between internet activity and in-person political action. Politicians have started using social media for communication and campaigning purposes to influence voters. This in turn saved their time, money, and resources, giving them a larger audience for interaction. The new political showground is full of infomercials, advertisements, blog posts, and lakhs of tweets, Instagram posts, Facebook posts etc. Politicians are now able to continuously showcase their core value, belief, and message through endless commercials and gauge their communication by viewing direct responses to their actions on Facebook or Twitter or Instagram. The brand messaging gets reinforced across all platforms, may it be speeches, ads, merchandise, etc.

Importance of Social media in political brand building

As the importance of social media is understood by political campaigners.  Political strategists also have realized that strong political brand building on social media platforms creates a unified identity that can reach a wider audience. A political brand built on policies, shared values and priorities creates a unified visual image of the political party. And consistently and repeatedly sharing on social media maintains such a unified identity. Thus, social media has become one of the important tools in creating a strong political brand name and recognition. It creates loyalty among the voters for the particular political brand. Now with social media, voters can easily recognize a candidate or party by their branding.

Political brand building through social media platforms creates an emotional appeal to voters. It is a more effective way to connect, as it evokes emotional responses and associations in the target audience. With the power of a strong brand, candidates can inspire and mobilize voters to win on election day. Political branding has become a critical ingredient for success in today’s complex elections. Political Branding sets candidates apart from their competitors by highlighting unique selling points. Voters that align with the branded values of a candidate or party will be more inclined to support them over other alternate options.

Strong visual branding helps to generate engagement and recognition with catchy slogans, buzzwords, and visuals. It allows political parties to convey their platform to the voters. Such branding also summarizes political messaging into simple concepts for the average person.

Strong political brand building on social media attracts more supporters as well as volunteers, which are crucial to successful political campaigns.  Social media brand building brings an influx of supporters, which gives a huge boost by expanding the reach and resources of the political organization.

Political brand building is not only about the polices, but also about personalities behind the brand. People are drawn to the personalities of the political parties. Political Branding is a key strategy for candidates and parties seeking elected office. And social media plays an important role in bringing the plan to fruition. 

At The Media Flair, the importance of social media is acknowledged and utilised to its fullest extent. TMF offers political consultancy services as well as political brand building and political image building on social media as well as offline. To know more about such services offered by The Media Flair, visit TMF website.