Research, Planning and Analysis


Ground Assessment:

  • Accurate data collection through Ground Assessment
  • Extensive ground survey through Random Sampling.
  • Comprehensive survey through Door-to-Door survey

Sentiment Analysis:

  • This powerful technique will be used to understand general sentiments of larger voter groups.
  • This will be based on a thorough research and analysis of the last five (05) electoral data trends.
  • All the social media platform insights and tends will be used for the political sentiment analysis.

Voter Group Identification:

  • Political mapping will be undertaken to identify endorsers.
  • Our team will identify voter groups through online and offline surveys.
  • Focus on the potential voters who are against the candidate or the party.
  • Identification of social voter groups will be based on factors such as caste, religion, profession, age group, etc.

Speech Pointers

  • A well-crafted and compelling speeches will be written for the party candidate.
  • The speech will be well-researched, and will provide voters with a clearer understanding of what the Candidate or the Party Stand for.
  • The speech will allow the candidate to set apart from their opponents effectively.
  • The speech will assist the Candidate to connect with voters, bringing Trust and Confidence in their leadership.

Ground Extensive Survey

Random Sampling

  • This survey method will be used to get as accurate data as possible.
  • These reliable survey results of the public opinion will be used to enhance the credibility of polls, Electoral polls will be obtained.
  • Every 10th registered voter till 5,000 will be surveyed.
  • Data segregation will not be undertaken.

Comprehensive Survey (Door-to-Door)

  • Specially customized door-to-door survey will be conducted to collect valid information of the voters.
  • To get an overview of the sentiments of the voters as well as to ensure wider reach of the candidate.
  • Party pamphlets will be distributed for promotion of the party or the candidate.
  • Our Ground team will put up hoardings and banners on the required site.

Sentiment Tracker

  • To demonstrate authentic engagement of voter sentiment analysis will be carried out.
  • A broad database of samples will be prepared after sorting the collected voter data.
  • The voters will be followed up monthly basis for feedback on the candidate and monitoring.
  • With the help of ground team, IT technology, and Mobile apps sentiments of the voters will be tracked and monitored.
  • This will help in identifying key issues that are important to the public.
  • Up-to-date reports on the sentiment of the voters will be shared with the client.

Election Dashboard Management

Campaign Plan and Strategy Execution

  • This multifaceted and dynamic campaign will focus on engaging with voters effectively and building a compelling narrative for the candidate.
  • This Campaign will integrate various strategies and methodically executing them through sub campaigns.
  • The plan is to connect with voters personally and fostering a sense of community as well as engagement.
  • Strategies will include effective messaging, grassroot mobilization, and adapting the prevailing technology of the area.

Voter Monitoring and Analysis

  • Observation and analysis of voter behavior and trends during election time.
  • To enhance voting numbers in favor of the candidate.
  • To identify election vulnerabilities and track the campaign strategies.
  • To effectively sharpen the messages to swing votes in favour of the candidate.
  • To get an edge over opponent by identifying most important issues to different voters.
  • Identify and target potential swing voters.

Data Driven Campaign

  • This campaign will run across the region to influence voters from diverse segments.
  • We will collect comprehensive knowledge of the voter’s political preferences and belief to develop an effective communication strategy.
  • Political advertisements will be sent to targeted voters to get new supporters and voters for the candidate.
  • Draw on new sources of data to analyze the pattern in voter’s attitudes and behaviors. Agenda Setting.
  • Developing a strong narrative for the party or the candidate which speaks to the issues facing voters.
  • While conveying the narrative, relating to and providing solutions to issues of the voters.
  • We will engage local media outlets to spread the narrative of the candidate.
  • Manage and monitor social media platforms to promote the narrative of the candidate.

Media Tracking

  • We will have a staff dedicated for monitoring, tracking and notifying all the media movements.
  • We will be tracking the news, social media conversations and other public conversations about the party or the candidate to stay on top of all current developments.

Election Day War Room Management

  • We maintain well-organized and up-to-date war room with advanced technology tools.
  • The war room will help track the campaign and coordinate election related activities in real-time.
  • Significant strategies will be executed on the election day to ensure maximum voting in favor of the candidate.

Social Media Promotion

Social Media

  • Social Media will be used as a channel of communication to propagate political updates and campaign messages.
  • To inform, mobilize and strategically target voters.
  • A campaign message and candidate’s narrative will be communicated affectively across all social media.
  • We will ensure that the branding for the profiles and pages of the candidate is consistent with the narrative.
  • These social media platforms will be used to interact with voters, and announce relevant events of the party.

Customised Graphics

  • The customized graphics will be created as per the need and requirements of our client.
  • Customized graphics will be widely used and shared on unofficial surrogate pages, WhatsApp groups and on various social media platforms.

Customised Videos

  • Favourable videos on serious topics such as development, communalism and region will be created and edited in favor of the client.
  • Some specific issues focusing on positive narrative of the candidate will be created to influence the voters.
  • These customized videos will be further published/shared on social media as well as mainstream media.

Digital Media

  • Digital media will be used to facilitate unmediated communication between leaders and voters.
  • Promotional videos, articles, advertisements, music, infographics and other forms of Digital Media will be used tactfully for political agenda building in favour of the candidate and the party.

Design Collaterals

  • During the campaign design collaterals for posters, banners, LED vans on ground, TVCs will be provided to the client.
  • Printed advertisements will be provided to our client.

Social Media Amplification

  • To leverage networks and to create ripple effect on social media Social Media Amplification strategy will be efficiently implemented.
  • To appeal target audience, ‘high-quality and engaging’ content will be created through campaign videos, infographics, or calls to action for a voter registration drive.
  • To increase reach and impact of candidate’s social media content by sharing it through our followers’ networks to promote the candidate or the party.
  • To promote the candidate influencers in the community and industry will be used to spread the narrative.

Blog Posts

  • We will publish insights, thoughts, and stories through creating blogs.
  • We will write blog post in support of our candidate, which will be offer a wider range of call to actions.
  • These blogs will be used to push for the campaign.

Target Group Campaign

  • For our political campaign the focus will be on the targeted voter groups, such as youth, Women, Farmers and traders.
  • These target groups will be identified for strategic promotion of the candidate through social media as well as ground events.

Technical (IT) Support

Website Creation

  • We will create a website which will serve as a central platform for the candidate.
  • This website will be used to our candidate to communicate their message, values and policy positions.
  • This website will highlight achievements, past records, and biography of the client.
  • To gain more leverage authentic forums such as Wikipedia; will be linked to the website.

Mobile App

  • For the campaign, candidate’s mobile apps will be created for direct reach to the voters; specifically in urban areas.
  • To improve voter engagement mobile app will be used to communicate specific issues of the specific area voters are facing.
  • Push notifications, timely updates and reminders will be directly sent to the voters’ phones.
  • With Augmented Reality (AR) feature on the mobile app, we will give a first-hand look at the policies and platforms of the client.
  • This will be used to collect data and feedback to keep a regular check on the campaign.


  • SMS & Interactive Voice Response (IVR) is an effective medium in the rural areas that lack internet services.
  • We will set up pre-recorded messages, menu options, and data collection points.
  • We will send pre-recorded customized messages form the candidate to voters in the remote locations.
  • Consistent reminders, messages, campaign updated will be shared on regular intervals.

Trained IT Cell

  • Our trained IT professionals assist Political Campaign at every step.
  • Technical IT cell will be active 24/7 to create and monitoring digital media for our client.
  • We also provide professional training to sympathizers and influencers to promote effective narrative building.

Cadre Training And Booth Management

Training of Existing Cadre

  • Training will be given to our existing cadre to push the campaign narrative through their WhatsApp as well as social media platforms.
  • They will be trained precisely for executing effective and result-oriented campaigns.

Booth Management

  • Our strategists will work closely with the party to develop customized booth Management Plan.
  • We take care of every aspect of booth management, including day-to-day ongoing operations.
  • Our team will coordinate logistics, handle booth strategy and branding, manage volunteers, and ensure smooth functioning throughout the campaign.
  • We will assist in recruiting dedicated volunteers, and providing comprehensive training programs.
  • We will develop targeted voter outreach strategies to maximize the campaign’s impact.
  • On election day, we ensure well-prepared and efficient management.
  • We will implement strategies to maximize voter turnout.

Event Management

Event Conceptualization

  • To enhance visibility and engagement of the candidate we will organize various ground events during the campaign.
  • At these events, the candidate’s narrative will be effectively communicated.

Political Branding

  • We will create a distinct and compelling image of the candidate that resonates with voters.
  • To convey candidate’s values and standing out, creating a unified identity.
  • To attract new supporters, energize existing supporters, and discredit opponents.
  • Our expert team will be crafting a positive message from the candidate that resonates with voters.
  • Strategic messaging of the narrative will be developed to by engaging celebrities and social workers through ground and digital events.

Crowd Mobilization

To communicate the support the candidate commands in a constituency we will;
  • Recruit and train volunteers with our comprehensive outreach plan at grassroots.
  • Organize community meetings, Nukkad meetings, rallies, host informal sessions with community organizations, and utilize word-of-mouth referrals.
  • Form a grassroots coalitions with community organizers, advocacy groups, labor unions, faith-based organizations etc.

Outdoor Branding And Promotion

Posters, Banners and Customized Graphitis

  • We will conduct a thorough ground survey to identify most suited locations to display the candidate’s banners and posters.
  • Accordingly, banners and posters will be displayed at those locations for wider voter segments.

Audio and LED Vans

  • Audio/LED vans will be used to enhance mobility and visibility of the campaign message.
  • The Vans will be used to showcase strength, values and narrative of the candidate.
  • These vans will be used most prominently in the rural and remote areas that are lacking internet services.

Air Travel: Unlocking rapid mobility for crucial election campaigns.

  • In the fast-paced world of politics, efficient travel is paramount. As the ‘birds of the sky’, helicopters play a vital role in covering extensive distances in minimal time.
  • To empower your election campaigns, we provide a diverse fleet of helicopters available on-demand, ensuring your mobility needs are met with excellence.

Celebrity Endorsement

  • Non-political celebrities like singers, actors, poets, local religious leaders and athletes will be used to subtly convey our candidate’s narrative to their audience/followers.
  • We will use famous celebrities as well as local influencers to bring in more support for our client.